
👍 I have worked on a variety of projects, ranging from image feature extraction and analysing to mathematical analysis, object detetcion and so on.

👍 In each project, I have applied my skills in image processing and machine learning to develop algorithms that can effectively solve the problem at hand.

Defence Vehicle

Worked on defence project for detecting human or intruder in all terrains for long distant areas using c sharp and visual studio. This module of project was mounted parallel to the gun which was mounted on a 4 wheel drive vehicle . Once the human is detected the application will give the coordinates of human/intruder detected to the gun and then gun will shot the person accordingly without any human interfernce.

Robot Badminton

Worked on Robo Badminton using camera and Raspberry Pi with opencv libraries as court mapping , object detection and background removal. Worked on zed stereo camera for court mapping and shuttlecock detection using python and then transmitting the coordinated wirelessly to the robot.

IOT based multi-sensor alert system in Medical field

IOT based multi-sensor alert system in Medical field. this is a modular sensor system used for critical patients who can not be hospitalized frequently. The sensors attached will give the thresold values of Blood Pressure, Pulse rate ect and if these values exceed a certain threshold then doctors and the concern person will be informed about the same.

Landmine/Metal Detection Robotic Vehicle

In this project the robot was used to detect the hidden landmines in areas where human can not enter . Once the landmine/metal is detected its geo coordinates will be sent via message to the concern person on the map.