Hello All ! I'm Sikha 👋

A passionate Developer having an experience in Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. An individual who thrives to build and apply algorithms to solve real-world industry problems.

What I Do ?

Computer Vision & ML

💥 Developing Models that can detect surface defects along with defect dimension measurement.Developing algorithms and models that can identify intruders from real-time streams with alert systems on AWS instances and S3 bucket.

💥 Experience of working with different python Libraries like Numpy,Pandas,Matplotlib,PyQt5 etc and have knowlege of opencv algorithms and image processing techniques.

User Interface Developement

💥 Building Full-fledged User Interface using PyQT5, and front end using HTML, CSS, Flask.

💥 Software Development using python, front-end development using PyQt5, Flask,etc.

💥 Experience of Basic Adobe XD to design Conceptual User interface.

💥 Responsive User Interface Development with QT Designer and Python.

OpenCV Algorithms

💥 Hands on Experience of OpenCV alogithms such as Image/Video processing and manipulation techniques, feature detection, object recognition, etc.

💥 Hands-on experience in training and deploying custom object detection models with Tensorflow and Pytorch on edge devices like Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Jetson Devices, Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 I/O Board

💥 Experience with collaborative Platforms such as GitHub, Google Collab, Jupyter Notebook